Current Consultation

Civil Enforcement under the Takeovers Act (14 February 2025)


Past Consultations

Regulatory Alignment Paper (18 September 2023)

Deal Protection Devices Paper (18 September 2023)

Proposed amendments to the Takeovers Act, Takeovers Code and related legislation (29 June 2021)

Proposed Amendments to the Takeovers Code (October 2016)

A Proposal to change the Small Code Companies Class Exemption (September 2016)

Further consultation - Small Code Companies and the Code (25 February 2015)

Small Code Companies and the Code (October 2014)

An Extension to Clause 25 of the Takeovers Code (Class Exemptions) Notice (No 2) 2001 (August 2014)

Proposed Guidance Note - Schemes of arrangement and amalgamations under Part 15 of the Companies Act 1993 (29 August 2012)

Disclosure of Equity Derivative Positions (28 August 2012)

Proposed Guidance Note - The Code and Defensive Tactics (3 July 2012)

Proposed Class Exemption - Trustees of family trusts (2 March 2012)

Further Technical Issues with the Takeovers Code (15 July 2011)

The Code and Hostile Takeovers (17 December 2010)
- Appendix A
- Appendix B
- Appendix C

Parts One to Five of the Code (25 June 2010)

Further consultation - Upstream Takeovers (23 October 2009)

Partial Offers (28 August 2009)
- Appendix A
- Appendix B

Rule 16(b) Class Exemption (24 August 2009)

Class Exemptions for Buybacks (May 2009)

Upstream Takeovers (17 April 2009)

Proposed Amendments to the Takeovers Act - Defining a Code Company (23 June 2008)

Schemes of Arrangement and Amalgamations Involving Code Companies (5 December 2007)

Discussion Paper - Schemes of Arrangement and Amalgamations Involving Code Companies (19 June 2006)

Technical Amendments to the Takeovers Code (7 April 2003)